Many manufacturers currently find themselves at the start of a fundamental structural transformation, brought on by digitization. Modern Industry 4.0 concepts means that manufacturing processes are morphing. Analytics and Business Intelligence (BI) gains greater adoption across supplier networks, shop floors and senior management teams. Our latest product version of PlantSharp now includes a self-service, analytical and BI application specifically designed for your manufacturing plant. 

Use your Data to Make Better Decisions

Our business intelligence solutions are based on the latest manufacturing technologies. So you can interconnect and analyze even large, complex volumes of data from different sources. Users from the specialist departments gain valuable information for strategic decision-making. And reporting can be automated and sped up. This way, you achieve transparency along the entire value chain.

  • Control the value chain more efficiently with intelligent demand/supply analytics
  • Orient product life cycles to ROI optimization
  • Analyze production costs beyond work plans 
  • Evaluate capacity and material requirements more precisely
  • Analyze the work processes for continuous quality and cost optimization
  • Use analyses and balanced scorecards to keep control over the performance of your supply chain

Your Project, our Solution

We implement your business intelligence and data analytics project based on your needs and preferences, ensuring your business success. From jointly defining your requirements to consulting and application development and all the way to customized service and support packages. And we always put our customers first. It doesn’t matter if your business is a small-sized company or a corporation with a complex system environment. With our extensive experience and knowledge from countless successful projects, we have the technical and specialized know-how to make your projects a reality. Trunovate’s team is comprised of industry experts with years of professional experience in their market areas. 

Have we Sparked your Interest?

Together, we’re sure to find the solution you need and the right concept for your specific requirements. Call us + (972) 3 926-0300 or send us an email ([email protected]), and we’ll discuss how Trunovate can help you get more out of your business.